Friday, March 31, 2017

First World Problems

Being in the South Pacific certainly has its share of advantages, and one of them is being very close to New Zealand! We took advantage of our proximity by taking a trip to Middle Earth during our March school break (between terms 3 and 4). More on the adventures we had later, but first, a taste of the adjustments we had to make going from third world to first world.

  1. It was REALLY hard for me to be okay with rinsing my toothbrush with hot water. We don’t use the hot water tap to rinse our toothbrushes in PNG because the hot water in our bathroom comes from the river. I had to remind myself it was okay to rinse (and wash my hands) with hot water every time.
  2. It also felt strange to drink water straight from a tap without filtering it.
  3. Being an introvert, I don’t love greeting everyone as I pass them, but it felt very strange/awkward to NOT greet people as we walked by them while we were in NZ.
  4. I was glued to the window for our first car ride from the airport to our hotel in Auckland, amazed at the smooth, paved roads and six lane highways.
  5. I was terrified a few times driving at such high speeds on the road. We don’t go that fast around Ukarumpa where the roads aren’t paved, so it’s been quite a while since I’ve been in a car going over 30 MPH!

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