Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Starbucks Experience

In Ukarumpa, it’s uncommon to have just one job, and one of my many jobs is working in the community library once a month. The library is housed in the basement of what is called the Elim Haus (pronounced “house”). Upstairs, there are small meeting rooms, and many Saturdays a team of people on center host a coffee house for two hours with food, tea, and coffee, so we get the “Starbucks experience” for a few hours each week!

My responsibilities at the library include opening it up for two hours on my scheduled Saturday, re-shelving books, sorting check out cards, and preparing donated books to be added to the collection. We have quite a large selection of books, including fiction, non-fiction, classics, and science fiction, as well as a children’s section with everything from early readers to teen selections.

After my shift ends, I often stop by our local movie rental place on the way home! Many of the houses here have outbuildings, and one family has turned their outbuilding into the Ukarumpa version of Blockbuster. For three kina (roughly one dollar), you can check out a movie from their collection for three nights. The family who currently runs the movie rentals (called R&R) came back from furlough at the beginning of this school year, so they brought some new movies and TV shows with them. We were thrilled to discover they had brought the most recent season of NCIS (which is no longer the most recent season) because we had left for PNG in the middle of the season. Several months later, we were able to find out what happened!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

May the Fourth and Revenge of the Fifth Anniversary

May the Fourth: Star Wars Day
The fun started at school with several students dressing up as beloved Star Wars characters. Eric and I wore our matching Leia/Han shirts that we were given for Christmas and had been saving for the occasion. We were invited to a Star Wars party in the evening, which included a viewing of the most recent movie, Rogue One. It was our first opportunity to see it, since we don’t have movie theaters, Red Box, online streaming, etc. here. Guests were encouraged to bring Star Wars-themed food. Last year I made R2D2 sugar cookies for Star Wars Day, but this year I had just sold my cream of tartar in a pre-move cleaning of the pantry, so I had to figure out something to make with what I had. I decided on peanut butter ball Death Stars. Other items at the party included Jabba the pizza hutt, 7 Leia jello, Han Solo (Solo is a popular type of soda here), choose your side cookies (one side light, one side dark), a masala dish sculpted in the shape of Jabba the Hutt, and many other delicious treats.

May the Fifth: Anniversary

How do you celebrate a special event here? We reserved a “date night” at the Guest House, which is a candlelight dinner in a private room. The room was decorated with Christmas lights and had music playing in the background. We were given a bell to ring when we finished each course so the hostess would know to come clear our dishes because she was also serving the guests who were staying at the guest house in the main dining room. We were also able to give each other special gifts because the store was re-stocked recently: Cheez-Its and SweeTarts!